NVivo for literature reviews

Oct 2, 2020

Jeremy Buhler
Data Librarian, UBC Library Research Commons


"Down" navigation arrows in the slides lead to supporting links (e.g. installation instructions, instructional videos, UBC Library workshops)

To annotate in a Zoom presentation

annotate menu
annotation toolbar

Never used NVivo

Use it in my research

NVivo is software for Qualitative Data Analysis

  • available for Mac and PC
  • free for UBC students, faculty, and staff
  • supported by the UBC Library Research Commons

Installing NVivo

NVivo support from UBC Library

Why use NVivo?

New ways to access and interact with your material

Record your thoughts as you go

Keep citations, sources, and notes in one place

Learn to use NVivo

Integration with citation managers

  • EndNote
  • Mendeley
  • RefWorks
  • Zotero

...or add pdf and other documents individually

Using NVivo with citation managers

UBC Library citation management support

NVivo demo (Mac version)