Finding and accessing
survey data

SOCI 502
Oct 26, 2020

Jeremy Buhler
Data Librarian, UBC Library Research Commons

Slides available at
  • learn where to look for data
  • understand the components of a dataset
  • know where to get help

To annotate in a Zoom presentation

annotate menu
annotation toolbar

Never looked for survey data

Have analyzed survey data

UBC Library data and statistics guide

Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)

A microdata file that may have some variables suppressed or aggregated to protect respondent privacy

  • Census of Canada
  • National survey series
    • General Social Survey (GSS)
    • Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)
  • COVID-19 crowdsourcing series

Statistics Canada Open License

Selected data sources

  • Abacus
    Simple search interface for StatCan PUMFs
  • Nesstar
    Powerful variable level search options
    Large international collection

See the UBC Library Data and Statistics guide for a list of other data sources