Finding Statistics Canada open data

Jeremy Buhler
Data Librarian, UBC Library Research Commons

Learning objectives

  • Understand what data is available
  • Know where to find it
  • Access public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)
  • Learn where to get help

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Often use Statistics Canada resources

New to Statistics Canada resources

New to working with data

Often work with data

About Statistics Canada

Serving Canada with high-quality statistical information that matters

"Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country - its population, resources, economy, society and culture."


Statistics Canada Open Licence

Grants permission to

  • use
  • reproduce
  • publish
  • freely distribute
  • sell
Statistical overview
  • counts, percentages, etc. for certain regions or groups
  • calculated for a purpose, but not very flexible
Underlying data can answer follow-up questions

How does that differ by province? By age group?

Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)

Public data modified to protect respondent privacy

  • Some variables suppressed
  • Some variables aggregated
  • May only be a sample of responses

Where to access tables and PUMFs

Statistics Canada Data search

Abacus Open Data collection

Selected PUMFs in Abacus

  • Census of Canada
  • Labour Force Survey
  • General Social Survey
  • Canadian Community Health Survey
  • COVID-19 Crowdsourcing series
  • ...and many more

Additional support

Data analysis tools and methods

Online workshops


General questions

Jeremy Buhler, Data Librarian